With all the premieres we’ve been working on throughout the years here in Los Angeles, we thought it would be fun to create a list of the top movie theaters to host movie premieres.
Please note, this ranking isn’t your typical The-bigger-the-better list emphasizing blockbuster premiere extravaganza. Rather, we take into consideration other factors such as old Hollywood charm, convenience.
1. The Egyptian theatre, Hollywood
Style: Old Hollywood, Classic.
The original home of movie premieres – read our post about premieres history here –, the Egyptian theatre is the best location to experience Hollywood’s golden age charm. With its fake Egyptian decoration dating back to the roaring 20’s, it’s easy to imagine rubbing shoulders with Douglas Fairbanks … plus walking the red carpet in the middle of the courtyard is quite thrilling. In addition, you are just a few steps away from old school restaurants such as Micelli’s and Musso and Frank Grill where you can go for bites and drinks after your event. Last but not least, it’s easy for guests to jump from their limo straight onto the courtyard and because it’s located a block away from Hollywood and Highland, it is more manageable crowd-wise. Here are pics of premieres we set up at the Egyptian theatre.
2. The theatre at the Ace Hotel, Downtown Los Angeles
Style: Old Hollywood, Hip.
While this one might surprise some, especially since it’s downtown and newly reopened, it not only features a gorgeous theater but its lobby can conveniently be used for a glamourous after party – and if your guests are planning to have too much fun at the open bar, they can go crash a room at the hotel. Here are pics of a premiere we set up at the Ace Hotel theatre.
3. The Chinese theatre, Hollywood
Style: Big Hollywood, Classic.
Known around the world as the home of Hollywood premieres, the Chinese theatre features a beautiful classic theater which history makes you feel like a million bucks. While its entrance is famous for its handprints and stars, not only do the surroundings somewhat look like a tourist circus but it’s also located in a mall …. What’s convenient about it though is that you can head to the Roosevelt hotel across the street for a sweet premiere party poolside. Here are pics of a premiere we set up at the Chinese theatre.